Saturday, July 31, 2010

Greek Vs. Non-Greek

Well I guess now is a good a time as any to talk about being a member of a Greek organization. As many of you know I am a proud member of a particular organization. I’m not going to mention the name, not because I’m not proud to be a Beta (oops), but because it doesn’t matter. A Greek is a Greek regardless of which organization you are in.

For a little over 9 years I have been arguing with people about why being a Greek is “worth” it. The non-greek argument is “I don’t have to pay for my friends.” My argument is “I’m not paying for my friends.” Pretty simple. But as the years past I realized something……they are right.

Yeah I said it….I paid for my friends.

I pay for them to: have a roof over their head, food in their bellies, gas in their car, better their leadership skills through countless conferences, improve brotherhood through retreats, life experiences that “normal” people don’t get to encounter, memories, and over 170 years of tradition, teaching, and love. So yeah I pay for my friends……to better themselves, and I will continue to pay for my friends until the day I die. Sue me for helping others. Ain’t that what humans are suppose to do anyway?

They can take my house, they can take my letters, they can take my charter, but they can never take my spirit, my memories, or my brotherhood.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

BP's oil spill and ........

Sorry for the months of not posting anything. I’m not going to waste our time with a paragraph of whining about it either so let’s get started.

The other day I was watching a major news network and on it was an environmentalist talking about how oil drilling is the most horrible thing in the world. He was also talking about how due to the oil spill the ecosystems have been destroyed and the beaches in the gulf are going to cost billions to clean. The same stuff we all have heard before for several years. I’m not disagreeing with him at all, yes the ecosystem has been destroyed, the beaches will be really expensive to clean up and the lack tourism is going to hurt the local economies.

The thought that ran through my head was this: what would happen if we didn’t drill for oil?

According to Wikipedia, for what it is worth, the first oil rig was in use in China in 347 CE. So, it is fair to say that humans have been drilling and removing oil at an ever increasing rate from the earth for about 1,663 years. While doing this we are leaving massive cavities underneath the earth’s surface.
Now let us assume for a minute that humans never needed to use oil. We figured out how to use a renewable energy source regardless of the amount of money that oil brings into the pockets of people who seem to be way more important than me, not to mention the people who are educating our children to one day run this country….really? Anyway, so we never drilled for oil, what would happen?
I am not a scientist by any means and I am not all that great of a chemist ether so just bear with me.

If we never drilled for oil that means that the oil would remain in the ground. It would continue to “grow” and make the cavities they are in even bigger. Granted this would take millions of years but I am hoping the human race will be around for awhile, due to the lack of natural selection in our species now, but that’s a different topic.

So a multitude of things can happen because of all of this crude oil under the earth’s surface. I am only going to talk about 2.

As the countless barrels of oil are building under our feet the pressure and oil will have to go somewhere. It can either or up or down. If it goes down, then it might, maybe, leak into our fresh water supply. Polluting our drinking water, that’s no good. If it goes up the it will break through the surface of the earth and spill into our oceans and wash up on our beaches…….wait……that’s happening now right? Only it’s the CEO of BP’s fault because he makes 6 million a year, still haven’t figured out what that had to do with anything.

So let’s think about this oil spill or drilling like this: if we never drilled it could spill out anyway. But seeing has how we are drilling, relieving the pressure of the oil cavities, we are in a way preventing it. But we are humans, our machines have flaws, we are going to mess up and spill some oil, but mother nature might have done it anyway, so we kind of break even right?

I do think it is a horrible thing what has happened. The ecosystems, tourism, white sandy beaches are all going to take a hit. No question about it. But instead of trying to say that it is wrong to drill, take a sec and think for a minute (<-- catch that?) what could happen if we didn’t……….

For the four people who read this, feel free to leave feed back!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dance like nobody is watching......

One of the funnier things I see on a daily basis is when I am driving down the road, there is always at least one person who is just completely rocking out in their car. I’m not talk about just tapping the steering wheel or bobbing their head, I mean straight out the club gettin’ it.

Until……..they look over and see you looking at them. I can’t help but to laugh. All movement stops, and then they play it off with the slight head bob. Now it probably would not be nearly as funny to me if they just kept going. I would probably think they are having a good time, feeling free and happy. But instead it more like, yeah you just got caught being retarded when your normally not.

Now I do not want to give the impression that this has never happened to me. It has numerous times, but the difference is when I get caught I just throw up the deuces and keep going. I had one girl roll down her window and ask me to turn it up, I obliged and she started dancing too, only in Memphis.

But I got to thinking the other day, why do people do this until they realized they are being seen? The first thought that I had was that people, for some reason, must feel invincible in their vehicles. They see it as an abode. Which if you think about it, it is. I do not have any stats, but I’m willing to bet that third to their home and work, a car is where most time is spent.

This means that they are comfortable in their car; they feel safe, protected from outsiders. But I think they forget that the windows are clear and we can see into their “lives.” Other people can see how they really are. For example: the people I’m talking about. Regardless of their day today responsibilities and actions, deep down inside they want to have fun, be an 18 year old freshman in college having fun nearly 24/7. But they can’t because they are adults and are suppose to be serious and successful. Or maybe they care too much about what people think about them and have a momentary lapse and have fun when they think nobody is watching. They get busted and it’s back to “I want this guy to think I’m responsible.”

Maybe we all need to loosen up a little, and have fun. Not just do it when we think no one is watching. So next time you see someone rocking out in their car, laugh and join in. Who knows maybe you can get everyone at the red light to dance for 2 minutes.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Hey Boo-Boo"

A while ago a person said to me: “You’re just not used to having people around who are not as smart as you are.”

Now let’s think about this for a minute……there are 4 ways I can see this being taken as:
1)A very sly insult to me. (I think I am smarter than I actually am.)
2)A direct insult to the people I am around. (Whoever that is and the people I am around are smart….for the most part :) )
3)A complement.
4)A very misinformed person.

Let’s assume for a moment that numbers 1, 2, and 4 are not true. And this person actually thinks I am really smart. I don’t see it. I do not think I am a very smart person at all. Yes, I graduated high school and I have a B.S. from MTSU, but my GPA was not that great. It was just above average.
The question I have is what defines someone being “smart”? Is it a piece of paper that says your GPA is this and according to this scale you are above the norm? Is it the ability to solve problems? Is it the ability to regurgitate information? Is it common sense?

My opinion of “smart” is the ability to complete a task that requires a person to think. I understand that everyone’s brain is different. To me I have a logical, straight line mind. By this I mean, if something doesn’t work, I will start from the beginning and go through to the end until I find the problem. But this is how I see myself. I do not know how others see me, which is a totally different topic. (Who you really are, how you see yourself, and how other sees you)

Anyway, I guess everyone is “smart” in a different way. Albert Einstein was a brilliant man, but could he have torn down and rebuilt an engine? Probably not, so an auto mechanic is smarter than Alert Einstein. Right?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jesus and Religion

Let me start off by saying that I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, no question about it. And please don't take anything I say personal. Religion is a very touche subject to a lot of people, not sure as to why, but it is. This is just a thought, nothing more, so don't get angry or tell me that I do not have faith because I "question" religion, yes that has happened.

I when to a private Catholic school for 6 years, (7-12). Of course one of the course we had to take every year was religion. I learned a lot, no question about it. However it also made me wonder, who is right? Baptist, Buddhist, Jewish, Catholic, Methodist, and so on.

There are so many branches of Christianity that think what they are teaching to their flock is the only way to get into Heaven and everyone one else is just flat wrong. I have been to several different churches: Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ and Nazarene. I could not tell a real difference. Granted some things were different but the message was the same, be a good person in the eyes of the Lord.

So why are there so many divisions of the general religion of Christianity? My answer: politics and ego's. When Jesus walked this earth he did not preach that Catholicism is the one true religion. No mention of any branch is mentioned in the Bible, mostly because they did not exist yet. Jesus just taught us that we should be good people, plain and simple. But human's are weird creatures. Someone somewhere did not like what someone was doing so they broke off and started the same thing minus what they did not like. I'm not saying it is wrong or right. I don't think any particular branch is THE correct branch. I think that as long as you believe that there is something higher than you, then your good.

This includes non-Christian based religions as well. Most have been around longer than any "modern" religion ever has. I do not know the facts but I am going to assume (very dangerous thing to do) that they have been around longer than Judaism. I'm talking mostly about Muslim, Buddhist, and others of that nature. I would love to research and learn more about them and other religions because I don't think that you can judge something until you know what it is about. What I do know is that they believe in a supreme power, much like we do in God and Jesus. So why is their religions wrong? They are basically teaching the same thing, be a good person. Although they may have a different form of punishment than we do, the big picture is that when you die it ain't gonna be good if you don't follow the rules.

Now I understand that everyone thinks differently for the most part and has certain reasons why they don't like this religion over this one. I'm the same way. I do not understand why I would have to confess my sin to this guy, then he tells God, then he tells me how to make a mends with God. Why can't I just tell God, as if he didn't already know but confess none the less, and say I am sorry and here is what I am going to do to fix it. But this whole thing boils down to an earlier question: who is right? or a better question may be is anyone right?

Like I said before this is just a thought(mostly incomplete because I'm tired) and nothing more. I'm not trying to down any form of religion, I guess I am building up religion as a whole.

If your offended, sorry.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Blog

Well this is my first blog.....ever. Not real sure if I am going to stick with it or not. The point of it is to keep my mind busy and kill some time in the process.

Most of the stuff that will be going on here is going to be random thoughts I have, various rants, and whatever else comes to my "strange mind." Yeah someone told me that I have a strange mind.

So with out further adieu check back and see what goes on in my head from time to time. It will probably make you feel better about yourself!!!!